Thursday, April 5, 2012

Welcome to my House

Yes, been watching too many Big Brother's House and from there I wonder to have this blog - what happens in my Pad and more. There are some things that happens but I want to separate from my sex life and all, like the masseurs that I experience, and people I am willing to endorse. I am not sure how my endorsement would affect (I do not have the patience to read the fine print of terms of agreement, so better separate this, less it affects my own personal blog).

Yes, I did endorse before and my blog ended up being deleted and then claimed later by someone else.. who placed his picture and then nothing more! I really do not get what is their motive for doing so...


  1. Hi Bert! Thanks for welcoming us to your abode! I suggest that you keep this blog as a separate so you can endorse some of the guys that you've had an encounter with who needs an endorsement. This guy on this entry here ( i'm particularly curious about. Would it be possible if you share him with us? Pretty please with a cum spurting dick on top. :)
